Nutritional advice by ergysport for La Transju cross-country ski race in France in the Jura

Nutrition Tips by Ergysport

Nordic skiing subjects the body to a very important physiological stress because of the cumulative effects of the effort, the cold and the hypoxia (less diffusion of oxygen in the tissues at altitude).
A good physical/mental preparation and an adapted diet are necessary to participate and perform in such a discipline.

Dietician's advice:

  • Insist on hydration, increase water intake during training in the mountains: water loss is increased by hyperventilation and humidification of the drier air inspired.
  • Increase the intake of food sources of carbohydrates: rice, pasta, quinoa, potatoes... Greater and earlier demand on the anaerobic energy chain at altitude, increased use of carbohydrates and glycogen during exercise. Recommended carbohydrate intake: 6.5 to 7.5 g/kg/day.
  • Adjust and vary protein intake: 1 .5 to 1.8 g/kg/day
  • Introduce color into your plate by eating colorful foods rich in antioxidants: colored fruits and vegetables, spices... because the production of free radicals is increased at altitude.
  • Eat alkalizing foods regularly: fruits, vegetables, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocado, dried fruits... Decrease in the buffering capacity of the body in hypoxia.
  • Eat good quality oils every day: olive, colza, walnut...: 3 to 4 tablespoons/day, oilseeds, fatty fish: sardines, mackerel... - 300 to 400 g/week. Recommended fat intake: 1 to 1.5 g/kg/day.
  • Have your iron stores checked
Ergysport nutrition partner of La Transju'

Optimize the dietary preparation with ERGYSPORT :

An effort drink for a good hydration during the practice:

  • ERGYSPORT EFFORT 2 scoops in 500 ml of water - 2 sips every 10 to 15 minutes of effort

A recovery drink and deacidifying salts to recover after the sessions:

Ergysport nutrition partner of La Transju'

During the month before the event, trace elements and vitamins to be in shape on race day:

Carbohydrate intake during the race to avoid fuel starvation:

A breakfast before the effort, a snack of recovery, fast to prepare, digestible and effective:

  • CREM'ERGY: chocolate cream with hazelnut chips to be prepared with 100 to 125 ml of water or vegetable drink and finished 1h30 before the effort
Ergysport nutrition partner of La Transju'

Sports nutrition plans customized to your race by ERGYSPORT :

Nutrition plan for the Transjurassienne 70 km
Nutrition plan for the Transjurassienne 70 km
Ergysport nutrition plan for participants in the 70 km Transjurassienne cross-country ski race
Nutrition plan for the Transju Marathon Classic or Skating 50 km
Nutrition plan for the Transju Marathon Classic or Skating 50 km
Ergysport nutrition plan for participants of the Transju Marathon 50 km cross-country ski race
Nutrition plan for the Transju Classic or Skating 25 km
Nutrition plan for the Transju Classic or Skating 25 km
Ergysport nutrition plan for participants of the Transju 25 km cross-country ski race
The Transju'Trails

Ludovic BOURGEOIS wins the 82km trail race

The 2800 competitors in the Transju'Trails started their race under misty, cool skies. From 5.30am to 11am, the starters took to the course between Les Rousses and Morez. The big winner of this 2024 edition was undoubtedly the 82 km runner, Ludovic Bourgeois.

The Transju'Trails

Top start Transju'Trails 2024

The 17th edition of La Transju'Trails was officially launched today in Morez (Jura) with the opening of the Trail Show, followed by the first events: the 5km and the Transju'Trails des Marmots.

Arrival of the Transju'Trails
The Transju'Trails

Podcast Transju'Trails x Agile Training

We are delighted to announce the release of 2 episodes of the Transju'Trails podcast, in collaboration with Nicolas VANDEL, Agile training.