The Transjurassienne - Environmental issues :
The world of sport cannot remain indifferent to the challenges of sustainable development, on the one hand its impact on our ecosystem is undeniable, on the other its values, its universal educational scope must be a driving force, an example to follow and a reason for hope for the years to come.
That's why the Trans'Organisation has been committed since 2009 to a responsible approach in order to become a major actor of our (beautiful) territory. Indeed, all along the Transjurassienne the skiers cross sensitive areas sheltering protected species like the Capercaillie. By skiing through the Jura mountains we are therefore visiting the home of these species.
Thus, the actions that we carry out within the organization have for objective the protection of the environment of the race through various actions on the field on the D-day but also before the event with the participants, the general public and the thousand volunteers linked to the Transju'. We are convinced that simple gestures can maintain the Nordic activity in time without condemning it because of the small deviations of each one (not to be noisy, not to throw anything, to respect the tracks without making off-track, etc.).
Collaboration with the Groupe Tétras Jura:
- Follow-up of the count and the evolution of the Tétraonidés with the Groupe Tétras Jura.
- Work on the implementation of local actions:
- Training of volunteers on a voluntary basis in order to have a human presence and to allow an exchange and a direct sensitization on the sensitive sectors "Marauder" at the periods of strong activities.
- Participation in the evaluation and analysis of off-trail human frequentation: off-trail tracks, GPS point, type, number ... in order to respond and avoid it.
With the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park :
- Conferences: Theme evenings on Fridays of La Transju in collaboration with the Tétras group and the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux to raise public awareness.
- Installation of signs on the permanent course, present throughout the season to warn of sensitive areas to respect and or not to cross.
- Drafted the content of the " Quiet Attitude " signs at the entrance to the areas on the trail during the winter.
Actions within the framework of the operation of the Trans'Organisation :
- Information and awareness meetings for the volunteers involved in our organization, regarding daily gestures, the practice of sports in our massifs and the impact on the fauna and flora, informing them about the problems of stray dogs for the balance and tranquility of biodiversity, the exit of tracks and their consequences ... , interventions during the evening volunteers
- Sharing on the collaborative platform SURICATE to report problems encountered during outdoor activities.
- Aids to the recovery of waste, barbed wire, ...
- Our office tools (printers, computers, etc.) are certified ISO 14001 (environmental management).
- Collaboration with the SICTOM to sort our waste as well as possible.
- Collaboration with the Food Bank of the Jura in order to eliminate waste and allow the redistribution of foodstuffs offered on all our events.
At the heart of the Transju' spirit with Pascal Bezin
Meet Pascal Bezin, a true Transju' senator, loyal since 1983.
Interview - Céline CHOPARD-LALLIER
Meet Céline Chopart-Lallier, winner of La Transjurassienne 2022.
At the heart of the Transju' spirit with Marie-Pierre Guilbaud
Meet Marie-Pierre Guilbaud, four-time winner of the Transjurassienne, who talks about her unique relationship with the Transju'.